Lincolnshire Lake
Lincolnshire Park features a 21-acre lake with boat launching facilities, kayak and paddleboard rentals. The lake offers an excellent location to fish, hike, kayak, paddle board, and enjoy the Aqua Park’s fun inflatables. For those who want more, there’s tennis courts, picnic shelters, Kidzown playground, walking trail, Junior Olympic size swimming pool, baby pool and more.
This site is on DWR’s Mountain Heritage Loop (Site #5) and is easily accessed from the Town of Tazewell. The site supports a multitude of birds, butterflies, dragonflies, and other wildlife. A walking trail offers access to the lakeshore; however, there are no trails exploring the wooded hillsides. A hike around the lake in summer affords views of several species of songbirds attracted to the woodlands and edge habitat. During winter and migrations, the reservoir hosts a variety of waterfowl and depending on water levels, several species of shorebirds. Painted turtle can often be spotted surfacing out on the lake. Butterflies, such as orange sulphur, Horrace’s duskywing, and eastern tiger swallowtail, decorate the landscape. The lake and moisture-laden surroundings also provide adequate habitat for dragonflies such as eastern pondhawk and widow skimmer. A loop trail around the lake is currently under development.

543 Riveredge Drive, Tazewell, VA 24651

(276) 988-5404